Sunday School at Trinity

Sunday school meets during worship on every Sunday except for the first Sunday of the month. We welcome children of all ages us to join us for our Sunday school hour. Sunday school is dismissed following the children’s sermon during Sunday Worship. Children stay in worship on Sundays when Communion is celebrated because we believe that the table is a place where all of us, especially children, ought to be welcomed.

Our nursery is open Sunday mornings at 8:45am, and parents are welcome to drop off and attend our Adult Education classes in the Large Meeting Room down the hall.

Our Sunday school follows the Godly Play curriculum, a Montessori-based approach to teaching the Bible that endeavors to help children make meaning through story, wonder, and play. We love this program and its goal of nurturing children’s spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children. Throughout the year, we make our way through overarching story of the Bible and God’s faithfulness to the people, and encourage children to wonder, to ask questions, and to make connections between their lives and the story of God.


Journey with us…

All ages are welcomed to join us for worship on Sundays. Our nursery is open for children under the age of 6, and we also have seasonally-appropriate coloring pages available for children to use during worship in their seats.

If you are looking for resources for use at home, we encourage you to check out our Sunday School Playlist on our YouTube channel for links to Music lessons, stories, and more.