We invite you to join us as we gather for worship with our neighbors at Berwyn United Methodist Church (BUMC). We believe that it is good and pleasing when we gather as God’s children to worship together. It is also good to get to know our neighbors in Christ, and to build bonds to hold us together for God’s service. With this spirit in mind, we hope you will join us as we journey down the hill on May 15 to worship at BUMC’s building.
Pastor Sarah will be preaching at BUMC. Music and fellowship will be offered by the BUMC community
Adult Education and Sunday school will be offered at Trinity at 8:45am, and carpooling can be made available if needed.
Join us as we affirm the words of the hymn:
“Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love;
the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.”