Services for Doug Burnett will be held at Trinity Presbyterian Church (Berwyn Ave and Main St, Berwyn PA) on Friday, September 13 at 11am.
Doug first joined Trinity on October 21, 1962 along with his parents, A.D. and Mollie Burnett, and his siblings Dana and Margaret. The family moved to Berwyn from NJ. when Doug's father took a job working at the YMCA. After studies at Springfield College, Doug ultimately settled right in the heart of Berwyn, living in his parents house on Woodside.
For years, the people of Berwyn were most likely to know Doug as one of the fixtures behind the counter at Berwyn Hardware Store. Doug also served faithfully as a member of the Municipal Authority of Easttown, continuing his service with dedication and determination even as he suffered a stroke that left him without full use of his hand. He was still serving on the Municipal Authority at the time of his death, and is remembered by those he served with as someone who persevered in spite of his ailments, and as a testament to the power of rising about the challenges that life can throw at us.
Doug's final years were not easy. He was separated from his home, and from his village, and from the neighbors that he dearly loved. He was often hospitalized, and more than once told his pastor that he was ready for the end. But through it all, he was never alone. His friends visited him, armed with Coca-cola, and Fig Newtons, and most of all, with their time. Doug was always happy to catch up with a friend, and delighted beyond measure that so many people chose to take the time to visit with him and share their lives with him.