Sunday Volunteer Opportunities

The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) affirms that “God pours out the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon each Christian in Baptism, and all are called to use these gifts for the glory of God. Therefore it is appropriate for any member of the church to pray, read Scripture, or assist in worship in other ways according to his or her gifts” (w-2.0301). Our church is grateful for the many faithful who offer their gifts for service in order to enrich our worship experience, and we encourage our membership and our friends to consider greater participation in worship as one way in which they may use their gifts for the glory of God.

Below are some of the ways in which we invite greater participation in our Sunday Worship. We invite you to learn more about these services, and to prayerfully consider whether God may be calling you to greater service in one of these areas.


Ushering offers participants an opportunity to provide a welcoming experience to our congregants and visitors, and also plays a part in stewarding the resources of our congregation by ensuring that sanctuary spaces are properly opened and closed before and after worship.

Click here to review the Ushering Guidelines (updated 2023)

Interested in joining our ushering ministry? Click here to let us know that you are interested in serving in this particular way.

Liturgist Ministry

The Lay Liturgist ministry is an opportunity for those who worship at Trinity to not only go deeper in their faith, but to communicate by their very presence our belief in the priesthood of all believers. Presbyterians affirm that ministry is not something reserved for the professional class; rather, “worship is a collective activity of the people of God and an expression of our common life and ministry. It demands the full, conscious, and active participation of the whole body of Christ, with heart, mind, soul, and strength” (W-2.-0201).

Lay liturgists lead our people in worship alongside the pastor, communicating the richness of our scriptural tradition as well as connecting our community to our reformed heritage through our affirmation of faith.

Interested in learning more? Click the link below to see what is involved in serving as a liturgist at Trinity.

Lay Liturgist Responsibilities

Our worship does not end in the sanctuary! Every Sunday after worship we continue our worship by affirming the gift of friendship and connection over light refreshments in our fellowship Hall.

Currently fellowship leadership is rotated through our committees and boards. But we are always happy to welcome new faces! If you are someone who has a love for hospitality, and love to share food that you have prepared with friends new and old, Fellowship may be the perfect opportunity for you to share your gifts!

If you are interested, please contact our office for more details.

Fellowship Ministry